Keeping Inspired with Art Challenges
Prompt: "Vertical", Day 14 of 30 of #ArtMarks30dayChallenge
Do you ever just need a little boost of creativity every once in a while? A way to keep you motivated and keep you feeling excited about your artwork? I think every artist knows that it's common to slip into the doldrums and feel unmotivated to create. I think it's a natural part of being creative. It's good to take a break and to step away every once in a while. But what do you do when you feel stuck in a rut and can't get out!? Art challenges are a great way to keep motivated and creating on a daily basis. Even if it's just one little scribble in your journal or a couple brushstrokes on a canvas--that can be enough to keep that creative flame going! Art challenges also help you think outside the box and try new things. By being given a prompt each day, some of the decision making is taken out of your hands and that can make it easier to make something if someone else is giving you the kindling to start the fire. Or it can be seen as a challenge; a way to think outside of your normal constraints and maybe make something you've never done before by simply choosing a different color paint, an unusual mark or drawing upon a theme with which you are unfamiliar.
Prompt: "Vine", Day 14 of 30 of #MarticeSmithArtDaily30
I'm participating in two daily art challenges this month: one is Martice Smith's April Art Challenge (#MarticeSmithArtDaily30) and the other is Rae Missigman's Art Marks 30 Day Challenge (#ArtMarks30DayChallenge). I don't always get time to create something for every prompt, but when I do, it feels so good! I can feel myself stretching a little bit more and growing new artful connections. It's fun to be part of a challenge, too! There is a social element involved, because you can search Instagram or Facebook for others who are also participating and you can see how they've interpreted each prompt. I'm always pleasantly surprised by the variety of styles and how everyone can have something completely different even though we're all using the same prompt each day.
Prompt: "Filled", Day 8 of 30 of #ArtMarks30DayChallenge
What challenges have you participated in or are currently involved in at the moment? What are your favorite kinds of challenges? Most challenging prompt? I'd love to hear!